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Friday, December 2, 2011


A question I get asked a lot and my answer to "what do we do": 

The most important thing right now is to consistently speak the truth to ever living soul we know in any format or medium we can take advantage of. Right now no American can afford to ever again, in a National election, vote for another Republican or Democrat. That act would be much worse than not voting at all. If we love our Country, love our Children, voting R or D is simply not an option, not even close to a viable option. With every Republican or Democrat vote you drop into a ballet box, you will be hammering nails into the coffin lid of our former Republic, and that my friends is an understatement. 

We simply can't afford to miss any opportunity to spread the Reality and Truth about what is and has happened to our once free Republic. It's also vital to understand that, as powerful as this true enemy our nation is, an enemy that currently, corruptly and unconstitutionally controls our lives with a rancid stranglehold grip on both Republican and Democrat parties, an enemy that also has corrupt and full control of our education system, an enemy that also owns and controls ever fiber of media in the U.S, making 'Free Press' impossible, THE VOICE of a Standing and United People in a pure grass roots movement is at least ten times more powerful!. 

We have to consistently keep speaking this simple reality, that both parties in current Two Party system are rancid in corruption way beyond repair, no one, and I mean NO ONE from either of those parties in a national office will ever effectively represent the People of the United States, it's literally impossible with the current corrupt and unconstitutional control these mostly foreign Banking families have over our Nation! 

Through our ignorant generosity over the last 99 years of just unconstitutionally handing over to mostly foreign elite banking families 4 months a year of our personal wages and personal property, they have purchased and currently control every fiber of major news and entertainment media in the world. And as powerful of a tool that is for them (According to the New York Times, Obama spent almost one billion dollars to win the White House in 2008 (745 Million)http://fec.gov/press/bkgnd/pres_cf/2008PresCamp/1_OverviewPresFinActivity1996-2008.pdf ) a pure grass roots movement of the people spreading truth 'word of mouth', person to person, one person at a time will bury that one billion dollar Presidential marketing effort currently needed to win the white house. And without spending a penny, while that same owned and fully controlled Media the grass roots movement won't be needing our using , will be on an all out 24/7 blitz denigrating their every move and effort through what they call "news" programming. 

With all our marketing wonders and technology today, still (ask any marketing expert) 'word of mouth' is the most effective and powerful marketing tool available in the World. Our enemy knows this very well and is as I'm typing this is working very hard to keep us ignorant and blind to truth. Utilizing of course their corrupt control of our educations system and their absolute ownership and control of all forms of media, yes my Republican friends that includes restrictions on "conservative" talk radio and the likes of someone like Limbaugh who is a shill to the max, and a total manipulation and control of the so called "fair and balanced" Fox "news".. 

We must consistently keep speaking reality until we wake up a majority of Americans to the fact that this has absolutely zero to do with anything left or right, rich or poor, conservative or liberal, Muslim or Christian, etc. etc., .absolutely ZERO to do with any of these standard and most ignorant divisions in our society! The controlling mostly foreign elites that rule our nation through their unconstitutional absolute control of our entire monetary system, fully understand the principle of 'divide and conquer' and totally manipulate, fund and control all sides of these deep division currently and ignorantly rampant in our society today. OWS movement is a classic example of them playing all sides to destroy us; here we have fully enfranchised voters, abdicating their power, creating deep animosities and divisions by ignorantly and staunchly promoting their ideologies, and protesting instead of acting. 

'Staunch' anything today and you are being played like a cheap violin. These mostly foreign controlling families of the Federal Reserve fully support and control all major 'sides' ideologies in the US, for the primary purpose to keep us sharply and most ignorantly divided, and today, have you noticed, it’s really working well for them! We have to wake up and realize: 'Stanch' Republican 'right', IDIOT!, 'Stanch' Liberal 'left', MORON!, 'Stanch' Religious Any, Obtuse! etc. etc. We must stop and totally wash our hands of all these extraordinary divisive and most ignorant ideological ‘stances’ pitting one against the other like ‘rich vs. poor’ or Muslim vs. Christian. Again, all tools used by the enemy to destroy our Nation, DON’T BE DUPPED, DON’T BE PLAYED! .. America was founded to be just the opposite, where your ideologies were respected no matter, and no one, or government interfered with and totally respected your rights for free expression of. 

Once we have awaken a majority of the people to these uncomplicated and real truths it will be a very simple matter of Standing, then Uniting, and then Organizing to put into office (crazy as it may sound) our Representatives, something we have absolutely zero of today. Once we have the Executive and a majority in one House, (which will be much easier than we could ever imagine in pure grass roots movement of fully awake Americans) the American People will be back in power again. Of course 'First things first' we will have to abolish the massively corrupt Federal Reserve System and every massively corrupt tentacle related to it. Then we will need to pass legislation required to abolish its sister corrupt acts passed in same year as the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the 16th and 17th Amendments. 

Of course their Media will be in full panic mode 24/7 blasting every step in the direction toward Freedom, telling us 24/7 that the World is ending because of the closing and dismantling of their FED. They will do everything in their power to convince us the world's economy will collapse and we will all soon be living in dark caves with no electricity. So, second things second will be to break up and resale to independent corporations their massive and total corrupt control of the Media, re-establishing a vital piece needed in any free Republic, a Free Press. 

REALITY, overnight we will see economic recovery beyond our imagination, not only here but all over the World! All oppression in the US will start to be lifted overnight! Massive recovery will start in earnest, in spite of their scrambling World media telling us 24/7 the world economy will collapse, just the total opposite will happen in the World when we the people again have control of our own government and our own Dollar. It will truly be amazing the positive difference that will come over the US; just imagine being free of oppressive senseless spending, and insane taxation that took our personal wages and personal property, those funds to move our own jobs, and factories and wealth overseas! Overnight positive effects of being free of this massive and oppressive, insane FED burden, will invigorate our entire Nation. I know this is hard to imagine right now, just how easy our freedom from oppression will evolve, but now our primary focus must stay on consistently spreading this truth.

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