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Monday, November 28, 2011


Keith Olbermann in a recent aired diatribe said: 

"American was founded by, invigorated by and re-invigorated by Protest" 

Huh? The founding fathers did not "protest" to establish this nation.. There were a couple of incidents in Boston, but my friends it was not "Protest" that changed the situation it was "Action". If we relied on the power of "protest" we would still be a colony of Great Britain and actually by this 21st century most likely living in several Marxist colonies spread across American speaking German.

And on a National level among enfranchised voters I can't think of one time in our History where "Protest" invigorated this nation. What stopped slavery was not 'Protest" is was a pure grass roots movement of enfranchised voters that eventually evolved into a new National Party that was the key to ending slavery. It was not the protesters that ended our involvement in Vietnam, I was there, those protest divided this nation with hate and division on a level even worst than the divisions in our nation today. Our withdraw out of there was the act of an elected by the People administration that actually was the arch enemy of the mass majority of Vietnam protesters. 

The one and only American exception and a proper example of invigorating 'protest' was the Civil Rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. But that was not a case of enfranchised voters protesting, it was actually a case of disenfranchised voters protesting primarily for the right to vote in free and non corrupt elections. 

Other than MLK, please name a single other time when anything positive was achieved by the 'protest' of enfranchised voters? Enfranchised People that are suppose to be the "power" of this (former) Republic and control the all situations related to Government via their Representatives. . We of course today have zero Representation because of our ignorance and failure to 'act'. But, just know we can simply turn all this corrupt government around if we could somehow figure a way to pull our heads out of the sand and simply Stand Up. Stand United in "Power" not in subservient "Protest" that abdicates our power. . .. 

In the Occupy Wall St. 1% vs. the 99% debate you must ask yourselves this question: Who has the POWER, the AUTHORITY, and the RESPONSIBILITY to rule this Nation according to its own Constitution, the 1% or the 99% ? You know the answer, so why would we protest the 1%... they (the people in office that currently only represent the "1%") should be 'protesting' us, the People who actually have Power over them! ..We have the Power, we are enfranchised, they are not and only vote (suppose to be) as our governmental servants to ONLY represent us. . 

SOLUTION SIMPLE: Let's quite all the counter productive and divisive Left vs. Right ideological tools the ruling elite uses to divide us, always playing, corrupting and supporting both sides like: Conservative vs. Liberal or Muslim vs. Christian, or Christian vs. Jew, or 'Rich vs. Poor' etc.. and the mother lode: the totally futile Republican vs. Democrat. Let drop all the ignorant rhetoric, and simply STAND UP, UNITE, ORGANIZE and take back our REPUBLIC! 

It really is that simple, all we have to do it stand up and execute our civic responsibility... One thing for sure, we MUST stop listening to and totally wash our hands of anything Republican or Democrat.. and also stop listening to the 24/7 indoctrination in the so called "news media", FOX/CNN/ABC/CBS/NBC etc.. absolute futile to watch 2 minutes of their so called "news"... And you "Republicans" please don't think for a second that FOX is "news fair and balanced", it is just as controlled if not more than any major network news that lean 'left'. 

The 99% vs. 1% equation if it was 'realistic' it should be 100% Americans vs. the Global Elites that currently corruptly and absolutely run our Nation through its corrupt and unconstitutional ownership of our monetary system (FED). 

And please understand when I say STAND I'm for sure not talking about standing in a futile "Protest". If you are 'PROTESTING" you just need to look into the mirror and you will see the person you should be protesting. I'm talking about individuals Standing Up and speaking out to your fellow enfranchised voters against this corrupt control and acting out with your enfranchised voters the very simple solution, taking your civic responsibility to ensure REPRESENTATION. Not Rocket Science here, and sure this 'STANDING' will include Rallies in efforts to further Unite in purpose and cause.. but never Protest, again, when you are an enfranchised voter and you 'protest' you are conceding Power and disenfranchising yourself. Rally support, Rally the Troops, but never protest!

Ken O'Toole

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